Hux Bar & Hotel

November 2022

The Hux Hotel  is the champion of often forgotten details, the treasured touches that remain in your memory long after you check out.

Conveniently situated within a short walking distance of some of London's most prestigious attractions. The Hux is a boutique hotel like no other. 

The owner of Hux came to CLG for a upgrade of their menu covers. Their current design was a supple smooth black piece of leather shaped into a book, with a blind embossed logo. We recreated their menus into a hard-back, A5 stitched, edge dyed cover, in a bold blue fine grain leather with a gold emboss of their logo. 

"They look amazing. The quality of the leather is really nice and the build quality is super." Owner, Hux Hotel

Hux Bar & Hotel

November 2022

The Hux Hotel  is the champion of often forgotten details, the treasured touches that remain in your memory long after you check out.

Conveniently situated within a short walking distance of some of London's most prestigious attractions. The Hux is a boutique hotel like no other. 

The owner of Hux came to CLG for a upgrade of their menu covers. Their current design was a supple smooth black piece of leather shaped into a book, with a blind embossed logo. We recreated their menus into a hard-back, A5 stitched, edge dyed cover, in a bold blue fine grain leather with a gold emboss of their logo. 

"They look amazing. The quality of the leather is really nice and the build quality is super." Owner, Hux Hotel

We are proud to have supplied these luxury brands

Enquiry Form

To get in touch please use the quick enquiry form below. We will aim to respond to you within 24 hours of receiving your enquiry.

Our opening hours are: Monday - Friday 09.00am - 17.30pm GMT.